Shutting Up Self Doubt = Plenty of Word Vomit


There are some days that it hits me. The words flow out of me like word vomit…yes that was a Mean Girls reference.


But then there are the times, like today, that I cant seem to stay focused. I ask myself why that is… The answer consists of a minor case of the “What Ifs” . Those dreadful mind blocks of hesitation that are somehow making their merry way through my head. They are there, along with the other 5,000 voices of characters that I haven’t had time to write down.

I used to have a bad habit of letting my mind constrict my heart. I would let the constant self doubt and what others would say to me pull me down and at times and completely change my path. Today is a fine example of old habits dying hard…(sigh).

I cant escape the many questions I keep asking myself, such as…

1) Will I self-publish my book, or will somebody else do it?

2) Is it long enough?

3) Are my characters relatable?

4) Commas…run-on sentences…spelling… Lord help me!

5) (And finally the most pressing question..) Will anybody actually read it?

I know the answer to the last question is a hell yes. I have had so many people support my writing journey that sometimes I find myself in tears with my heart practically bursting out of my chest with happiness. But with the fact that the ending of my book is fast approaching (and I haven’t came up with a title yet )my mind is filling with these questions. A few I know the answers too and some I do not. I am doing the best that I can and taking steps to shut up that nagging voice in my head. But as I said before old habits die hard.

I do however, believe that I will not fail at this and I don’t have a backup plan. For all of you that know me personally you know that I always have a plan… That just shows that I have extreme faith in my writing and storytelling abilities. But now that the manuscript is almost done I cant concentrate because the finish line is coming up quickly.

So if there are any other aspiring authors out there please feel free to leave helpful tips and suggestions. I will take any knowledge about publishing or editing that you will provide. It would be so much easier if my brain had an off switch…